Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Starbucks Sketchin' and Bwhahaha

Today I sketched some people at starbucks. it was a nice day...I added some color to some with Photoshop. quick colors. lol. peace

And this piece is for a friend...She dosne't type "lol" like almost all of us, she types "Bwhahaha!" ,,,so that's how imagine her when she laughs. lol..i mean bwhahaha!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Colors for Everyone!

These sketches were the first I inked with a Dip Pen, A crowquill, it's hard but once you get use to it the results are nice. Then I added some color with Photoshop. Hope you like 'em.


Holy Frijole. but these are literally beans...done in class. AYA YAI!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Ok maybe it is

Some more sketches I did this weekend. shit I keep on thinking they're going to get weirder and weirder. PORQUE!? PORQUE!?


this is for a little contests im holding, im going to choose someone's idea and stick it where where the quetion mark is at

A sketch I did. I call it, the Pom Pom moster. tell me what cheerleader woul'dnt want him? ahaha.

Kids these days.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

lloviendo Ositos

lloviendo ositos (Raining little bears)

For an Art Exhibition at school, done in pencil...yeah I know it's weird.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Sad Santa

Just a thought that came to my mind...

Thursday, April 05, 2007

What he Said...and Doughboy

Here's some more sketches......first one, yeah it's Hellboy...and no it's not a demon he's go, it's the Doughboy lol.

Second - I have no IDEA

third- for a drawing jam, those moment in movies or comics we won't forget...I went with the death of Bruce's parents. ...ya know, Batman.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Comic Galore

Im gettin' better at coloring, so I colored these to sketches that I had lying around. enjoy!

Mistah Jay

Plastic Man WoHOooooo!